Version 1.1
Your E-mail Extender
JMAPI takes you beyond the capabilities of JEmail to create mail-enabled applications.
Now you can launch the end user-s e-mail client in the Projector file. JMAPI is
compatible with all major e-mail clients -- Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes,
Eudora and Netscape Mail, giving you more control than ever before.
Any Projector challenges you-ve faced with non-functioning e-mail links, sending
attachments or line breaks in the body copy are a thing of the past.
MAPI stands for Messaging Applications Programming Interface which is supported
under Windows by Microsoft Mail for PC. This is the heart of Microsoft's messaging
programs. The MAPI is an extensive library of functions and services that developers
can use to create mail-enabled applications. FlashJester-s JMAPI uses these libraries
to send e-mails more reliably and efficiently than the older techniques in JEmail.
JEmail is great for sending emails from Projectors, but when you need more, JMAPI
is your solution.
JMAPI is compact. Each tool is only 24kb and you need only one copy for all of
your links.
JMAPI and all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 and Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
and XP
External files like text or HTML files can be loaded into the
Supports Multiply attachments. |
Supports CC and BBC.