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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JProWeb
Version 1.0

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When it comes to getURLs and Projectors, do these questions come up time and time again?

How can I open a browser Window without any toolbars?
Why don't the web links work in the Projector file?
How can I create a specific-size window?
How can I create a non-resizeable window?

Now you can look to FlashJester for the answer. The new JTool, JProWeb, is here to solve all of your browser window problems. FlashJester's collection of JTools pump up the performance of your Projectors. These tiny add-ons allow you to add features that Macromedia left out! So let's tell you more about the latest, JProWeb.

JProWeb allows you to launch browser windows, also known as Popups. JProWeb works just like the Javascript command Window Open and gives you:

Control over Width and Height
Ability to specify Top and Left values as to where the Window will open up on the screen
Option for Full-Screen
Toolbar, Menubar, Scrollbars and Status Control

Here are the key JProWeb features:
Version 1.0

Supports all versions of Macromedia Flash including MX
Works on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP
Compatible with all the browsers that support Javascript: IE, Netscape, Opera
Compact Tools - only 20kb in each -- and you need only one copy for all your links
No MS-Dos boxes
Unlimited distribution

JProWeb lets you take charge of browser windows in your Projectors. Now you can open browser windows without a toolbar and control the size of the window. It works just like the Javascript command Window Open.With JProWeb, you get control over the width and height of the browser window and where the browser opens onscreen, since you can specify top and left values. There's also an option for full-screen and control of the toolbar, menubar, scrollbar and status bar.Whether your browser of choice is IE, Netscape or Opera, you can count on JProWeb compatibility. And wait until you see the compact size - only 20 kb - and you only need one copy for all of your links. Plus you get unlimited distribution. You get all of this without MS-Dos boxes.

JProWeb and all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 and Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP


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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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» Flash Handout
» Entertainor
» Jugglor v3.0
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 » JProWeb
 » JAvi
 » JEmail
 » JMapi
 » JMovie
 » JNetCheck
 » JPrintor
 » JSave
 » JShapor
 » JStart v2.0
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Calculator
Flash Calculator
A very useful resizable calculator with several memory features by Lubomir Ott

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Kurrent Interactive, Inc

Kurrent Interactive, Inc
Kurrent Interactive, Inc. specializes in the design and development of creative new media using Macromedia Flash. Kurrent Interactive delivers static and data driven media in the areas of education, entertainment, advertising, and business. Some projects include brands such as Circuit City, Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Boca, and Time Magazine.
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Flash tools This is great news, I am a primary school teacher in the UK who is developing educational apps in Flash. I needed something that would burn onto CD's as a good front end. I tried FlashJester for two days and I'm hooked. Keep up the good work. Our 8 - 11 year olds will send you the fruits of their labour at the end of the year! Flash tools
Leon Cych - School Teacher
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