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Flash Projector


Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JWeb
Version 1.4 FREE

JTools JStart JEmail JWeb Evaluation download Download Example


JWeb is the professional solution to create web links from Projector files -- fast!

Advantages for Flash users
The advantages of using JWeb rather than getURL("http://YOURURL"), is that

It will work on all Windows operating systems It will work on all Windows operating systems
The browser window will always appear on top of the projector file and not behind it The browser window will always appear on top of the projector file and not behind it
Each link you load up will open in the same browser window Each link you load up will open in the same browser window

Just a simple solution to allow you to make links to the web. JWeb is also very easy to set up .All commands are put in parameters in the

Flash projector file's FSCommand, Exec


JTools JWeb

i.e. JWeb /error=Default internet browser not found Keep in mind that JWeb is now FREE. If you download the evaluation version of JTools (JStart, JWeb, JEmail and JHelpor), you will get registered copies of JWeb, JEmail and JHelpor in there.

JWeb & all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
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Flash Tools
RedM ScreenMate
RedM ScreenMate
Atmosphere, the interactive unit of the BBDO-group, have created the RedM ScreenMate, yes the one from MM's.

The Red MM will walk along your task showing you the latest movie currently showing, which is updated regular using Flash. Try dragging him.

It just took them 2 weeks to complete. Please read the case study for further information.

Well done guys.

Go to web page | Download

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Jen Sharp

Jen Sharp
I'm a self-employed programmer, doing contract work for several clients, from simple web design, to video editing, to small business database programming, to online training.

I'm the only one in my company. I use Jugglor PRO and J Tools. In fact, I rarely use Macromedia Flash without going through one of these tools at the end.
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Emap Digital
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Flash tools Thanks for the new file....everything works now!!!! Your support and development team are awesome!!! The JMovie v1.2 solves this issue Flash tools
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