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Flash Projector
JTools JHelpor
Version 1.4 FREE

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Welcome to the new way of setting up your JTools simply. Tired of having to use a text editor to create the command lines necessary to run the JTool of your choice? Well no fear. JHelpor features an easy to use graphical interface to work out the parameters needed for the JTool with the options that you have selected.

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JHelpor's graphical interface makes it easier than ever to set up your JTools

Use JHelpor to set up any of the JTools currently available as well as future JTools that will be compatible. Using JHelpor couldn't be simpler. You just pick the JTool, then the file or parameters you wish to launch and then set the arguments by choosing from a list of options.

JHelpor will then work out then parameters and all you need to do is copy these into the arguments box in the FSCommand, Exec. Easy as that. All your JTools can be configured in minutes and with the ability to save the configurations, you will be able to come back if you need to make any changes.

Best of all though, JHelpor is completely FREE.
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Flash Jester for Hire
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Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco knows just what you need -- a cute little toy for your desktop entertainment. He laughs, dances, sleeps and writes while moving around the screen. Try dragging him and see him react. Drag him on Window and see him move along it. The whole file including the installation file was created in Jugglor v2. It includes the Flash plugin installation file, so if the user doesn't have it, the plugin can be installed automatically.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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