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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JShapor
Version 1.1
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OK, Flash fans, it's time to get out of the box and transform the image of your Projector files. All you need is your imagination and a little help from your friends at FlashJester. With the powerful pairing of JShapor and Jugglor , you'll be on your way to creating custom Projector files in a matter of minutes. Size it. Shape it. Use a bitmap to define the exact shape. You're in control. Remember that to create custom files, JShapor needs to work in conjunction with Jugglor

Jugglor Pro or Standard comes FREE with JShapor.

JShapor & all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Create a custom sized and shaped projector file

printscreens jtools jshapor 1

Using JShapor's transparency tool, it is easy to select the part of the skin you wish to have transparent allowing you to shape the projector how you want.


printscreens jtools jshapor 2

Nerolac Demo
This little demo shows what can be achieved with JShapor and Flash.

download nerolac.exe

printscreens jtools jshapor 3

3rdEye Clock
A demo created by use to show off the use of Flash's scripting and JShapor combined.

Download 3rdeyeclock.exe

Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco knows just what you need -- a cute little toy for your desktop entertainment. He laughs, dances, sleeps and writes while moving around the screen. Try dragging him and see him react. Drag him on Window and see him move along it. The whole file including the installation file was created in Jugglor v2. It includes the Flash plugin installation file, so if the user doesn't have it, the plugin can be installed automatically.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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Hartman & Associates, Inc

Hartman & Associates, Inc
Hartman & Associates, Inc., is a full service engineering consulting firm offering experience and excellence in Civil Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Management Consulting, Survey, Mapping, GIS, Stormwater Management, Permitting, Construction Services, Hydrogeology, and Solid Waste Management.
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Palm, Inc.
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Thank you for taking care of our problem getting JTools from you. As you could probably tell from my e-mail, I was quite frustrated. However, I do understand technical problems and thank you for taking care of the problem as you could as well as the copy of Woof. This was a nice gesture of good will. As I said, I think you have a great product, and I hope that you can continue to work to make sure that problems like the one you had last week can be taken care of in a timely manner. Flash tools
Jason Bradley - Righteous Planet Design Studio
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Flash Projector
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Flash Tools