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Send us your juggled files!
Have you produced a cool Juggled file ? Want your work to be seen by everyone browsing the FlashJester website ? Do we hear a resounding yes ? Excellent.
Then send us your Juggled files for consideration, and we may feature it in our Jugglor gallery.

If your Juggled file makes the gallery, then you will receive a FREE copy of JTools.

Send all projector and Juggled files to Need Help ?

Do you have a task that you need to do but you don't know how to go about producing it ?

Have no fear as we can help you in whatever you are striving to achieve. Whether it be a CD-ROM, presentation or anything else, we can help you out at any stage you might have problems.

If you need any help in using Jugglor to create any project, then e-mail us here at FlashJester at, and we'll be more than happy to help out.

What would you like to see in the next version of Jugglor?

Have you used Jugglor and found that there is just one feature screaming to be put into the next version ? If so, let us know ! We are always looking to see what people want from Jugglor and if there's a feature you want, we'll try our best to add it.
Send your suggestions to
Call-out for Case Studies
It's time to tell the world how FlashJester tools are being used out in the real world, so we're launching a call-out for client case studies.
Now we have a case study section and there's space for you !

Would you like to share your FlashJester story ?

The case studies are a great way to show prospective clients how FlashJester tools help solve the business, creative and design challenges faced by a diverse group of companies. Of course, there's something in it for you too ! Case study contributors are featured on the FlashJester site and that means exposure for your company. Plus for taking the time to participate in the case study project, we'll throw in a FREE copy of WOOF! Publicity, prestige and a copy of FlashJester's pet project, WOOF. How does that sound?

If you'd like to share your FlashJester experience or have questions, drop us a line at

Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Our Software
» SlickTV
» Creator
» Flash Handout
» Entertainor
» Jugglor v3.0
» JTools
 » JCD
 » JSystem
 » JProWeb
 » JAvi
 » JEmail
 » JMapi
 » JMovie
 » JNetCheck
 » JPrintor
 » JSave
 » JShapor
 » JStart v2.0
 » JWeb
 » JHelpor
 » FAQ
 » Downloads
 » Ordering
 » Testimonials
» Woof

» Case Studies
Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
RedM ScreenMate
RedM ScreenMate
Atmosphere, the interactive unit of the BBDO-group, have created the RedM ScreenMate, yes the one from MM's.

The Red MM will walk along your task showing you the latest movie currently showing, which is updated regular using Flash. Try dragging him.

It just took them 2 weeks to complete. Please read the case study for further information.

Well done guys.

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ATMOSPHERE - An Online Agency of the BBDO Network

ATMOSPHERE - An Online Agency of the BBDO Network
Atmosphere, the interactive unit of the BBDO-group, delivers interactive marketing, building brands on and trough the internet.
more Case studies
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
more clients
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools You really helped me out on this thing - I just wanted to mention how clearly you explained the code you sent ... really great. Kind of a rarity, I think, and just in the nick of time for me. It would have been very painful to get through this at my stage of actionscript fluency. The product already saved me, and this kind of support is unexpected, appreciated, and speaks very well for your company. It made my trip to Flashforward totally worthwhile. Thanks again, You are absolutely tops in my book. Flash tools
Bill Miller - EarthTech
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Flash Projector
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Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools