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Flash Projector


Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Pump up the performance of your Flash files with JTools. This special collection of tiny add-ons for your Flash files allows you to add features that Macromedia didn't include in Flash. Twelve small supporting players make a big difference as you create Projector files.

Check them out to see what you need to power up your Projectors. Click here to order.

All FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Create your own audio Flash CD Player

JTools JSystem JTools JSystem JSystem
File & Folder Manipulation i.e AppendTo, CopyFile, Make, Delete etc.

JTools JStart JTools JStart JStart v2.0
Open pdf, doc, exe, etc. from Flash using Flash Exec command

JTools JProweb JTools JProweb JProWeb
Open popups from Flash

JTools JEmail JTools JEmail JEmail

Flash Tool

- email mailto link from

Flash Projector

jtools_jmapi JTools JMapi JMapi
Advanced Email options from a Flash File

JTools JMovie JTools JMovie JMovie
Open AVI, MOV, MPEG, MPG file from Flash

JTools JShapor JTools JShapor JShapor
Create shaped Projectors

JTools JSave JTools JSave JSave
Save text files from Flash

JTools JPrintor JTools JPrintor JPrintor
Your Projector Printor. Print and Print Sceen from Flash.

JTools JAvi JTools JAvi JAvi
Your Custom Flash Avi Player

JTools JNetcheck JTools JNetcheck JNet Check
Your Connection Checker. Check for internet connection from Flash.

JTools JWeb JTools JWeb JWeb

Flash Tool

- web url link from

Flash Projector

. No more getURL

Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Our Software
» SlickTV
» Creator
» Flash Handout
» Entertainor
» Jugglor v3.0
» JTools
 » JCD
 » JSystem
 » JProWeb
 » JAvi
 » JEmail
 » JMapi
 » JMovie
 » JNetCheck
 » JPrintor
 » JSave
 » JShapor
 » JStart v2.0
 » JWeb
 » JHelpor
 » FAQ
 » Downloads
 » Ordering
 » Testimonials
» Woof

» Case Studies
Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Calculator
Flash Calculator
A very useful resizable calculator with several memory features by Lubomir Ott

Go to web page | Download

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Flash tools Flash tools
ePartners, Inc.

ePartners, Inc.
ePartners implements, deploys and manages leading business solutions for middle market companies with revenues from $10 to $500 million. As the largest global partner for Microsoft Great Plains, Solomon, Best Software and Saleslogix, ePartners is the safe choice for companies looking to benefit from middle market business solutions.
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Thanks for writing back - I can't tell you what a HUGE relief it is to know how to finally work these tools. Your products are great! They are keeping us ahead of the competition in OKC. Next purchase - JNET! Flash tools
Greg McCool - Mpact Design Studio
What people are saying about us
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash ProjectorFlash Projector
Flash ProjectorFlash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools