Flash files and movies steps up security
Direct Read File
This is a new security feature added in Jugglor v3.0. It allow additional's to be read directly from the exe, they are not uncompressed onto the end user's hard drive in the Windows/Temp directory or copied anywhere. There are only 2 files uncompressed onto the users hard, the projector (if a projector file is uses a main file) and the DLL. Nothing else.
No scripting changes in your Flash file have to be made to access these files.
This has been proven to very successful in keeping you files safe and secure from hackers accessing you files. Ground breaking coding has made this possible.
In Memory File Support
Now you can keep your Flash files protected from hackers with a new feature allowing you to load your SWFs into memory instead of the user's harddrive. When using the Projector Engine, you can now save the Flash file as an Additional SWF file and use the LoadMovie command to load it.
Protecting your source code from third party decompliers has never been easier.
When the files in this section are packed and uncompressed onto the end user's hard drive in the Windows/Temp directory, there is potential for hackers to access the files. This is changing.
Now, you can store any additional file into memory and not on the hard drive. This keeps your files safe and secure, so there's no need to worry about unauthorised users stealing source code with third party decompliers.